Picture of a Sleep Study Checklist for The Sleep Wellness Center.
The Sleep Wellness Center at Ward Memorial Hospital
There's no substitute for a good night's sleep.
The Sleep Wellness Center at Ward Memorial Hospital is a comprehensive program that brings state-of- the art sleep medicine to our community. The Center is staffed by highly trained physicians and polysomnographists trained in state-of- the-art sleep medicine techniques assisting patients with disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, snoring, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.
Conveniently located on the north side wing of Ward Memorial Hospital, the two bed Sleep Wellness Center incorporates Ward Memorial Hospital's patient-centered model of care, with beautifully appointed sleep study rooms, complete with satin sheets and bed furnishings to increase the comfort of the patient and help ensure a quality sleep study.
It is estimated that more than 50 million Americans are plagued with some form of a chronic sleep or wake disorder. Research during the past 20 years has contributed greatly to our understanding of sleep disorders. It is now an accepted medical fact that snoring or daytime sleepiness may indicate a severe medical disorder.
Today most sleep disorders can be effectively treated. As part of the Sleep Wellness Center at Ward Memorial Hospital, the first step is an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes all that is needed is a discussion session with a sleep specialist.
In other cases, it is necessary to monitor a patient for one or more nights in order to discover the cause of the disorder. The patient stays overnight in a private room in the Sleep Wellness Center at Ward Memorial Hospital. Sleep patterns, breathing, heart activity and body movements are monitored throughout the night by a sleep technologist.
Upon completion, the Medical Director recommends treatment procedures, many of which can be carried out by the patient's own referring physician.
Some problems respond to simple relaxation techniques. Others the use of a breathing device, drug therapy or minor surgery.
Services provided under the program include sleep hygiene counseling, dietary and exercise programs, relaxation therapy, respiratory therapy, compliance programs and sleep disorders support groups.
The diagnostic and treatment costs vary depending on the sleep or wakefulness disorder. The costs for evaluation are generally covered by insurance. Your primary care physician may be required to provide and pre-authorization may be needed.
The Sleep Wellness Center is located within Ward Memorial Hospital on the north wing of the hospital. To schedule an appointment, contact our customer service team at 432-943-7505, or have your physician arrange for you to be evaluated.
Some of the more common sleep disorders treated at the Sleep Wellness Center include:
Sleep Apnea/Snoring
We used to think snoring was funny-but it is no longer a laughing matter. Heavy snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea-a serious sleep disorder characterized by breathing irregularities and sometimes the complete cessation of breathing for a long as 90 seconds. These "apneas" can occur several hundred times a night. They can contribute to high blood pressure and be life threatening.
Restless Leg Syndrome
This is an unpleasant "creepy crawly" sensation that occurs in the legs at bed time. This frustrating and sometimes painful sensation can prevent and/or disrupt a person's sleep.
This problem is characterized by the inability to fall asleep, the inability to stay asleep or both. There are many possible causes of insomnia such as chronic depression, temporary stress, misuse of sleeping pills, irregular breathing, chronic pain and disruption of the regular sleep-wake pattern such as that caused by shift work.
The major symptom of narcolepsy is daytime sleepiness. People suffering from this disorder fall asleep at inappropriate times and occasionally at dangerous times such as while driving. Muscular weakness and terrifying dreams often accompany narcolepsy, which affects approximately 250,000 people.